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What happens once I've completed my training?
What happens once I've completed my training?

Going in to the registration phase of your tiney journey

Lisa Holmes avatar
Written by Lisa Holmes
Updated over 3 years ago

Trainees often ask: 'How long does it take to get registered once I’ve completed my training?'

No more than 4 weeks! So the quicker you complete your learning the quicker you’ll get through to registration. In this article we'll run through the final tasks you will need to complete once you've done all your learning.

IMPORTANT: we may still be waiting on checks to come back from local authorities and DBS, until these have been returned we cannot book your registration call or visit. The results of these checks may result in the withdrawal of your application.

Once you’ve completed all your train with tiney modules your quiz answers will be assessed by our education team in your learning review. They might get in touch with you if you have any questions and will give you feedback. In order to progress through to registration you must pass your learning review. If you don’t meet the requirements, then unfortunately you won’t be able to move through to registration and we may withdraw your application.

Once your review is complete we'll send through details of your next tasks, including creating your policies and risk assessment, and booking on to your safeguarding webinar.

What is the safeguarding webinar?

This is a 2 hour training session with fellow tiney trainees in your cohort and a member of the tiney team. It introduces safeguarding, what to do and who to notify if you have concerns about a child and how you can use your training and knowledge to keep children safe in your tiney home. There will be an opportunity for questions afterwards in preparation for your registration call and visit.

Your policies and risk assessment

Tiney have created a set of template policies for you to ‘fill in the blanks’. These are important documents as they show parents how you will deal with situations like giving medicine, and what would happen if they failed to collect their child. Make sure these are complete and that you would be happy to show them to a prospective parent.

Your risk assessment, this needs to be completed for all areas of your home, including outside space. Make sure you go through each room looking at things like blind cords, loose wires, mirrors, unsafe shelving, windows and more. Think about what you will do when you are preparing food or doing an activity. We want to see that you have been thorough and considered all the risks in your home. This should be several pages long.


  • all your checks have been returned (please be aware that this can take some time and in most cases is outside of tiney’s control, we will keep you updated as much as possible if this is the only thing you are waiting for).

  • your policies and risk assessments are complete and have been reviewed

  • you have attended a safeguarding webinar

  • you have completed both the online and in-person parts of your first aid training

...then you will be ready to sign your registration commitments and book your registration call.

What are the tiney registration commitments?

These set out the basis of your relationship with tiney when you are a registered tiney childminder. What you must do and what tiney will do. It covers everything from naming your home, to how you will get paid to what you need to tell us about in the future to ensure you meet the terms of your registration. These are really important and we ask that you take time to read them through and ask any questions if you are unsure about any part of them.

Your registration call will be done online and will take approximately 1.5hrs

It will cover:

  • All aspects of the EYFS

  • Your relationships with families

  • Safeguarding

  • How you will run your tiney home

  • Preparation for your home visit

This call forms the first part of your registration visit, once it is complete we'll book in the very final stage - your registration visit.

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