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tiney's CPD courses

Learn more about tiney's Continuing Professional Development courses

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Written by tiney
Updated over 3 years ago

Continuous professional development (CPD) is vital for most careers, to help us build on our learning, skills and experience, as well as to reflect on our strengths and identify gaps and ways of overcoming them.

CPD helps to build confidence, improve practice, and ultimately contributes to children getting the best possible care and education.

We’ve designed your CPD to supporting your professional learning journey as a registered tiney childminder, aiming to:

• Build on important concepts around early education that were introduced in your initial training.

• Inspire you with lots of ideas and practical ways you can bring them to life in your nursery.

• Support you to apply your learning in your setting, putting it into practice and reflecting on the impact of the steps you implement.

How does it work?

Head to the 'Courses' tab in 'Learning' and pick which CPD courses interest you most and work your way through the various units. Depending on the course, and once you have completed a specific collection of units, you might earn a training badge. These badges will be shown on your main 'Progress' screen, along with a cumulative record off all the time you've spent on professional development work since first passing your registration visit with tiney.

Can I revisit previous training courses?

Yes! If you've previously completed Discovery week, or come through our 'Train with tiney' programme, then all your previous units and notes will be accessible in the 'Courses' area of the app.

Is it mandatory to complete ongoing training once I'm registered tiney?

Yes. As an Ofsted registered Childminder Agency (CMA) tiney have a responsibility to ensure that all our tiney homes are complying with the standards expected by both Ofsted and the Department for Education. This includes standards to do with ongoing professional development which means that as a registered tiney home owner you must complete at least 20 hours per year of professional training and development,

Of course, at tiney, part of our DNA is finding and training passionate early years educators so with the right mindset and our easy in-app features, meeting this target throughout the year is very realistic.

How will my answers and ongoing training progress be used?

Primarily, investing time in ongoing training is for your own professional development and to benefit the children in your setting. However, when it comes round to your regular quality inspections, your CPD training log is also a valuable asset for our inspector team at tiney. We are able to see your CPD progress and answers whenever you log an entry in to the app - this provides an invaluable platform for conversations during inspections as well as being a unique window in to your ongoing progression as an early years educator.

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